Dan Fregin
aka "the Friggin"
Dan hopes that he has only begun to try to bring as much of his 43+ years of airplane ownership, operation, and piloting as possible to whatever items of "Airplane Junk" as well as other media that will accept his imagination. With no formal training, Dan hopes to use whatever combination of techniques will bring the unique qualities of each piece to your imagination.
As he tries to explain in Friggin, his collection of over 120 stories, he feels he has been more fortunate than he ever thought he knew how to imagine, whether it would have been during his youth, on a farm in Central Minnesota, or as those stories were happening. With nearly no access to airplanes, he thinks he has been extremely successful, more so by being able to watch others sharing bits of it. So he is tapping into his imagination to try to bring interesting parts of airplanes to others who share a fascination for light airplanes.
Some of his items have been shown at:
Chico Art Center
Red Bluff Art Center/Gallery
Chico Municipal Airport Pilot Lounge
He also has membership in:
Chico Art Center
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
National Business Aircraft Association (ret)
"If you don't know whether it is really art or not, you're right."
From the back of his book, Friggin:
"What a fun read."
Charles Mueller, airport bum as well as sailplane owner/pilot,
airplane owner/pilot,
Ph.D., Prof., CSUC School of Engineering
From the Book
1:10 But she's this very fantasy-worthy blonde, see?
2:9 Cleared to land on the airport
3:3 So I told him, "Don't worry about it."
6:15 Yeah, but my wife won't let me have one.
10:16 Howinthelldja know about that?
I have got to be about the luckiest kid around:
- From growing into my teens on a Minnesota farm with no indoor plumbing, to getting to fly
Learjets all over the US, Western Canada, Mexico and Alaska.
- From working all my senior year to save enough money to go to Minnesota Outward Bound School
to being trusted with a $2+ Million airplane, with the top people of a $2+ Billion company as passengers.
- Being able to buy a nearly new airplane by simply charging it to my account at the dealer (circa 1979 -
5 years after bankruptcy).
- Having all these stories to tell.
- And Judy - - - need I say more?